BIG NEWS!!!!!!
Just for you and your pet!!
Just for you and your pet!!
6 signs of a healthy pet
1.Healthy Pets are usually alert, curious about their environment, and anything new they may encounter. They have a good appetite and keep themselves well groomed. Although the immune system generally functions on the inside, there are some outward signs that indicate robust good health.
- Sleek, shiny coat
-Active and energetic
- Clear, bright eyes
- Alert posture
-Good lung capacity; easy breathing
-Strong muscles
- Resistance to disease
- Normal healthy skin
-Responds better to vaccines
-Healthy gums
2. Dogs vary in size among idividuals and breeds. Observing and feeling a dogs' body are useful tools in assesing the body condition of the individual pet. Is your dog in ideal body condition.
- A dogs' body condition is considered ideal when they have a well proportioned figure.
- You should always be able to observe a "waist" behind the ribs when the dog is viewed from above.
- Any loss in muscle mass may diminish physical strength, motor coordination and result in a weakened immune system.
3. Bones and joints benefit from a properly balanced diet. Although we think of bones and joints as static, or fully developed once adulthood is reached, they are constantly restructuring themselves. Therefore, to stay healthy, they need a constant supply of nutrients including protein, water, and minerals like calcium and phosphorous. Here are some signs that may help identify bone and joint health:
- Normal range of motion and flexablity
- Ability to perform routine tasks or movements, i.e. climb stairs, jump up or down, play, ect.
- Pet exhibits the proper posture or stance for it's breed or mix
- Continues ability and interest in play and/or exersice
4. Your pets' dental health is very important. Healthy teeth and gums are the first step in the utilization of the important nutrients your pet food provides. The ability to effectively chew food is a vital precondition for digestion.
- Chewing reduces kibbles to smaller particles that allows for the optimal digestion and utilization of nutrients.
- Feeding an appropriate diet to your pet can help to limit plaque and tarter build-up.
- Check your pet regularly for signs of biuls-up and see your vet on a routine basis for examination and cleaning, if necessary.
5. Healthy skin and a shiny, well groomed coat not only enhance your pets' appearance, it makes your pet feel more comfortable and less prone to skin irritation and external parasites.
- Normal, healthy skin color ranges from pale pink to shades of brown and black.
- Healthy skin is smooth, pliable and free from dandruff and odors
- Clear bright eyes which are free of discharge are also a sign that your pet is feeling his best.
6. Digestibility is the percentage of a foods protein and other nutrients available and utilized by your pet. Assuming your pet is in good health, digestibility can be judged by stool quality and volume. Small firm stools are a sign that more nutrition is going to work inside your pet and less is passing through as waste. Any one or a combination of factors influence digestibility.
- Formula: The digestibility of the product will vary as the ingredients vary
- Nutritional balance: the correct ratio of the nutrients in the diet helps to ensure its' efficient utilization by your pet.
- Ingredient quality: poor quality ingredients can adversely affect the digestiblility of a pet food.
- Processing: a formula of good quality ingredients can have its' digestibility reduced by over-cooking or over-processing